A small description of myself:
My name is Morten Due Jørgensen. I am born on March 13, 1968 in Kregme in Northern Zealand, Denmark. I am currently living in Nødebo in Northern Zealand, together with my girlfriend, Hanne - which can be slightly confusing because my daugther is also named Hanne.
I have majored from the University of Copenhagen in computer science, and I am currently employed in Weibel Scientific in Allerød, Denmark.
I have a long line of hobbies, that I spend a lot of time neglecting:
Stamps, Music, Mind games such as Chess, Bridge, Go, Othello and Backgammon, Lego Mindstorms, and other things.
Please feel free to drop me a line, if you have comments to my home pages, or any questions. I am always looking for new contacts that share some hobbies with me.
You can find my e-mail address on the mail page.
Last revised: 2024-12-30